TRSCCA Street Survival School
Street Survival School
Street Survival School is a one-day driving school that teaches young drivers how to handle their vehicles in real-world situations. The program is designed to improve driving skills, awareness, and decision-making abilities, with a focus on defensive driving techniques. The curriculum includes classroom instruction as well as hands-on driving exercises, such as emergency braking and skid control, to prepare students for the challenges they may encounter on the road. It's a valuable program that can help young drivers stay safe and confident behind the wheel.
2024 Schools
Street Survival School
April 7th, 2024
Wilson County Fairgrounds
Lebanon, TN
Street Survival School 2
September 29th, 2024
Nashville Superspeedway
Lebanon, TN
Questions? See our FAQ or email our Street Survival Director.
Want more information? See the SCCA Street Survival website.