2025 Events
2025 Helmet Certification
2025 Helmet Certification
Updated: 02/10/2025
Per the 2025 SCCA Solo Rules, the following helmets are allowed: 4.3.1 Helmets Helmets meeting the following standards must be worn while on course: Snell Memorial Foundation standards EA 2016, SA2020, SA2015, SA2010, SAH2010, M2020D, M2020R, M2015, M2010, K2020, K2015, K2010; SFIstandards 31.1/2020, 31.1/2015, 31.1/2010, 41.1/2020, 41.1/2015, 41.1/2010; FIA standards 8859-2020, 8860-2018, 8860-2018-ABP, 8859-2015, 8860-2010.   A SNELL helmet rating is a certification issued by the Snell Memorial Foundation, which sets high safety standards for helmets used in motorsports, cycling, and other high-impact activities. The foundation updates its standards every five years, ensuring that certified helmets meet the latest safety advancements and testing methodologies. According to the SNELL SA2025 Schedule:   October 1, 2025 – Snell SA2025 will take effect, the first SA2025 labeled helmets may be advertised, displayed and sold as of this date. There should be no SA2025 labeled headgear or claims for such until this date.   If your helmet has a SNELL SA2010 (or equivalent age) certification, it will no longer be valid for SCCA competition after 2025.
2025 UPDATE: Vitour Tempesta P1
2025 UPDATE: Vitour Tempesta P1
Updated: 02/05/2025
From the SCCA:   February 1, 2025   The Solo Events Board (SEB) has removed the Vitour P1 from the exclusion list for Street and Street Touring Categories, making both the P1 and the P1+ eligible for Solo competition in all categories. This news, of course, is for immediate release and will also appear in the next issue of Fastrack.
2025 SCCA Street Touring Category
2025 SCCA Street Touring Category
Updated: 01/21/2025
The 2025 SCCA Solo Rules have arrived with a new set of classifications: the Street Touring Category. In general, the Street Touring Category moves the legacy "ST" classes (STH, STR, etc.) to newly formed classes that more closely match the naming conventions of the Street and Street Prepared classes. Not all cars formerly in one class move to a single new class however; some are split among two or more new classes: for example, most of STR moved to CST, but the ND Miata moved from STR to AST. The full Street Touring rules can be found in Section 14 of the 2025 SCCA Solo Rules, with specific vehicle classifications in Appendix A. If your previous class name started with "ST" then it's time to check Appendix A, read thru the rules in Section 14, and if you're still as confused as I am, email our Solo Chair for clarification! In general: Former Class   New Class SST → SST *STR → AST STU → BST *STR → CST STX → DST STS → EST STH → GST
2024 Solo Championship Final Results
2024 Solo Championship Final Results
Updated: 01/08/2025
Our 2024 Solo Championship is complete! Total points with drops have been calculated and you can see the final results here. Be on the lookout for our 2024 Awards Banquet announcement and our 2025 Solo Championship schedule soon! Congratulations to all the winners!
TRSCCA at Nashville Cars & Coffee
TRSCCA at Nashville Cars & Coffee
Updated: 02/10/2024
Every first Saturday of the month is Nashville Cars & Coffee... and the TRSCCA is there! Come by our tent to see some cool cars, ask questions, or just hang out. See you there!
Helmet Resources
Helmet Resources
Updated: 08/28/2023
So you've just finished your first autocross event and you're hooked! Time to buy a helmet! But where? What kind? The good news is you don't need an expensive helmet. As long as it carries a current certification it's good. As of mid-2023, that's a minimum of SNELL 2010. (a list of legal certifications can be found here) Sometimes older (but still legal) certified helmets can be found at a discount, but keep in mind you'll have to replace it sooner so it may end up costing more in the long run.    Helmets generally cost around $200 to over $5000(!), the main difference being features and comfort. If you're only using it for Autocross then you won't be wearing it more than a few minutes at a time and you'll be fine with anything as long as it fits properly. If you plan on using it for Track events as well, then you'll be wearing it for much longer periods of time and features like lighter-weight materials, HANS posts, and even ventilation/drink hookups may be worth spending a little more. For Track use get the most comfortable helmet you can still afford.   Where do you buy one? Ideally you'd try on several helmets to check out their comfort and ensure a perfect fit, but the Nashville area is rather limited in vendors. The Winding Road Racing Store at NCM Motorsports park has a few, so if you're attending an event there call ahead and see what's available. Of course there's lots of vendors online; the SCCA has the Track Night in America Gear Store and can help guide you through the fitting process.    Of course there's usually no better recommendation than a personal one, so if you have questions about helmets or need more advice, ask in our Facebook Group and you're sure to get some good responses.    See you at the next event!